Monday, January 24, 2011

Weird Movies Have Taken a Liking to Me\Gossip\Exam\Quills Micro-review

Hello, nonexistent people reading my blog. Today I am going to talk about... movies.

About, oh say, 2 maybe 3 months ago now, we got Netflix. Since then, I've been wading through their massive online instant-streaming movie collection. It's filled with hidden.. gems?

Ok, so maybe I should be expecting some oddities in the movies I am watching as they are not exactly blockbusters. Yeah, ok, I haven't heard of half of them before. But, I will give you a brief explanation of some of the movies I have recently watched, and what I thought of them:

Gossip- The main reason I watched this was because it has two of my favorite actors in it, Joshua Jackson and James Marsden. It was a fairly interesting movie with a good concept and a few twists and turns along the way. It ends with a bang, though some of the biggest twists you might be able to predict if you watch carefully enough. It kept my attention until the end, though it didn't come off as strong as it could have.

  • Rating: 7.5/10

Exam- This was a mind-boggler. At the beginning, the man states a few rules to "the exam" and the fact that there is one question asked of them, and one answer is required. I spent the whole movie carefully watching, pondering what this question and answer could be, fully knowing that the answer had to be right before my eyes. I shall not give away the ending or the various twists in the movie, but one should know that the "Exam" is solvable by any individual watching the movie. Other than that, it was a bit slow and predictable in some aspects.

  • Rating: 8.5/10

Quills- To be honest, the only reason  I watched this was because it had Joaquin Phoenix in it (the perverted Prince/King in Gladiator that wanted to have a baby with his sister. Yeah, him.) but it was wonderfully twisted, all in all. I found myself cringing at a few moments, yet mesmerized by the plot. It was acted wonderfully, from the central character found in a "madman" and the one individual he cared for, to the supporting characters, to the odd, tortured character portrayed by the brilliant Joaquin Phoenix.  The scenery was excellent and gave you a sense of the dreariness found within the asylum. It has a few twists and turns along the way, and keeps you watching until the end. It's worth the watch, if you can stand some vulgarity and grotesqueness. This movie is not for the faint of heart.

  • Rating: 9/10

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